
Invitations for Conversation & Reflection


Word Made Flesh - In the Wilderness, the Holy

In the early 1990s I was asked by editor Glen Argon of the Western Catholic Reporter, a broadly circulated weekly, to write brief reflections on the Sunday Lectionary Readings. Once a month over a five-year period I would attend to an appointed set of texts, Hebrew Bible including a Psalm, Epistle reading culminating in a reading from the Gospel. Listening to each reading and to the way these readings “speak” to each other in the context of the Liturgy, the way the ocean of meaning bubbles up so the “Word Made Flesh” enters the mind and heart was a lovely discipline. Since the Bible is the word about Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word who is “ever ancient, ever new”, we will post them on a weekly bases over the next year. The title of each reflection points to an effective kernel that greets one listening to the texts. The particular Lectionary readings are noted and the reader is encouraged to consider them along with the reflection. 

Read A Time In the Wilderness, the Holy