
Invitations for Conversation & Reflection


Our Experience of Meribah and Massah

Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Corinthians 7:17,32-35; Mark 1:21-28

These are grumbly texts. Our glimpse of the Incarnation fades so quickly. It is just over a month ago, four Sundays into Ordinary Time, since we attended to the feast of the Incarnation. In such a short span we discover - just as the texts for today tells us - how quickly and easily we lose the edge of life. We grow stubborn, harden our hearts and lose that clear vision glimpsed at the feast. At the feast, a short time ago, we were certain we had grasped the coming together of the sacred and the prophetic, the experience and call to the newness of life at the heart of the revelation of Christ's birth.

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