Diversity in Faith and Culture

David J. Goa teaches religious studies and theology, leads workshops and seminars on the demanding issues of religion and public life and engages the media on many of these issues. 


Classes with David Goa at St. Stephen's Collage

David teaches, and offers seminars and workshops, on topics such as leadership in times of deep difference, tradition and modern culture, issues of religion and public life, and the gifts of religious tradition. These teachings are one of the many ways he seeks to move public and religious discourse beyond the ideological silos that so often limit public understanding.


PPSYC547 Diversity in Faith and Culture

May 29 - June 2 | 2023

David will be teaching an intensive course (five days from 9 till 4:30), scheduled in person or through ZOOM, at Saint Stephen’s College, University of Alberta, Edmonton, May 29th through June 2nd, 2023. The public is invited to audit or take the course for credit.

Multicultural competence and interfaith discourse are increasingly needed in 21st century living. This course will provide an opportunity to look at one’s own culture, beliefs and traditions reflectively while also exploring the culture, beliefs and traditions of others. Gaining increased knowledge about multicultural topics and skills for interfaith communication can further professional functioning and interdisciplinary collaboration. The prefix multi and the suffix culture imply many integrated patterns of human behavior, including thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, and values as they relate to racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups. Similarly, the prefix inter and the suffix faith imply many integrated inroads for discourse between faith groups and religious traditions informed by historical, ritual and scholarly diversity, including founding narratives, core beliefs, sacred texts, guiding values or doctrines, and religious practices. Using assigned readings, classroom discussion and small group activities, the course aims to heighten awareness, knowledge, skill and relationship across diverse faiths and cultures. Our emphasis will be on Judaism, Orthodox Christianity, Islam & Buddhism with consideration also of indigenous religions and other Asian traditions.

To Register
780 439 7311